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Error Notification

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Error Notification
Attaching Detailed Error Messages
Notification After Reboot

The Error Notification dialog provides several options for getting notifications on errors that are detected within the different systems of the camera. You can be notified according to different levels of priority:

Once a notification has been sent, the camera will ignore all subsequent error messages during the time defined in the Deadtime field. This deadtime prevents the camera from causing a flood of messages (denial of service) in case several errors occur shortly after one another. You can enter values from 1 to 999 minutes.

Leave this field empty to use the default value of one minute.


Select the method(s), which are to be executed in case of an error.



Live Image

If this function is activated, the camera will display the triggering error message in the live image for about one minute.

Camera LEDs

If the LED signal has been activated, the camera LEDs will light up in a special pattern during the messaging deadtime. The LED patterns are same as for the Storage Failure Detection.

Audio Message

Plays back the selected sound file on the speaker if an error occurs.


Executes the selected FTP profile if an error occurs.


Sends an email to the address(es) specified in the selected profile if an error occurs.

Phone Call

Executes the selected phone profile if an error occurs.

Network Message

Sends a network message to the address(es) specified in the selected profile if an error occurs.


  • The notifications by LEDs, in the live image and sound file are executed immediately after recognizing the error. The execution of other notification methods is delayed by one minute to allow the camera to include all system messages, which is especially valuable when several errors occur.

  • Notifications via FTP, emails or network messages can include live images and freely definable text with variables. This, however, assumes that the camera's image processing works. Since certain hardware defects may actually shut down image processing, it is recommended to set these notification profiles to include the System messages as file to include in the notification.

Attaching Detailed Error Messages

When using the FTP Notification, Email Notification and IP Notify methods, the camera can append the error message, which caused the notification to the file specified in the selected profile. Activate the checkbox below the selection box of the corresponding notification method. When using Email Notification, the error message appears as additional attachment of the email, independent of the other attachments. When using FTP Notification or IP Notify, the error message will only be appended if the transferred file contains custom text, the system messages or the web server logfile. When transferring image file, the error message will not be appended, as this would destroy the JPEG file format.

Notification After Reboot

Independent of error notification, the camera can also send notifications when the camera reboots. To use this feature, activate the desired profiles in the Reboot Alarm section. To be able to differentiate this alarm from the error notifications, you should use different profiles than for the error notifications above.


By factory default, the camera automatically reboots every Monday between 03:00 and 03:59 hours (this can be deactivated in the Time Tasks dialog).

Storing the Configuration

Click on the Set button to activate your settings and to save them until the next reboot of the camera.

Click on the Factory button to load the factory defaults for this dialog (this button may not be present in all dialogs).

Click on the Restore button to undo your most recent changes that have not been stored in the camera permanently.

Click on the Close button to close the dialog. While closing the dialog, the system checks the entire configuration for changes. If changes are detected, you will be asked if you would like to store the entire configuration permanently.

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