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MxWeb Interface

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MxWeb Interface

MxWeb is the new user interface for the web browser. This page allows seeing the live images and also provides access to the recordings. To reduce bandwidth requirements, MxWeb uses MxPEG as video format. In addition, MxWeb uses standard technologies that are supported by most of the current web browsers.

Browsers need to support these technologies: HTML5, WebGL and Web Audio. It is also advisable to use a browser that supports the asm.js JavaScript extension.

The current releases of the following browsers are supported: Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge.


MxWeb is still in the beta stage. This means that you will not have access to all camera features on this page. The standard website is totally independent and can be used parallel to the new interface.

Starting MxWeb

To configure MxWeb, open the Webserver dialog. Note that you can also use MxWeb as the start page of the camera in the Language and Start Page dialog.

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