Open the Integration Protocols dialog to configure the interfaces for integrating the camera into the third-party systems as well as the RTP server of the camera.
The interfaces allow finding and configuring the camera on the network using compatible systems of third-party manufacturers. The RTP server provides access to the camera's live image. The server can provide different types of video streams using the RTP protocol. Depending on the codec, you can provide streams with or without audio channel. In addition, you can use Multicast to distribute the stream to several cameras at once without taking too much toll on the camera performance (which would be the case if providing several Unicast streams).
Unicast: Suitable for distributing one stream to single computers, since the camera generates individual streams for every recipient. The transmission data rate is a multiple of the number of recipients.
Multicast: Suitable for distribution to an unlimited number of computers. Regardless of the number of recipients, the camera only needs to create and transmit the data of one stream.
Unicast and Multicast can be used together. Depending on the specified RTSP URL in the video client, the Unicast or the Multicast streams will be accessed.
No authentication: Authentication when accessing the RTP video stream is deactivated, if Public Access is allowed for the Live access right in the Group Access Control Lists.
Standard users are managed in the Users and Passwords dialog; they must belong to a group that has the Live access right.
ONVIF users are managed either in the Integration Protocols (see section Users) or via the ONVIF interface. As a general rule, you have access to all RTP video streams. ONVIF user accounts are only used if the ONVIF integration of the camera has been activated.
When accessing the RTP server, authentication uses the different user types as specified by the RTSP URL. All URLs starting
with the onvif
prefix need to be authenticated using an ONVIF user account, all other URLs require a Standard user account for authentication.
Activates the RTP server of the camera. This server provides MxPEG, H.264 and M-JPEG-encoded video via RTSP/RTP.
Activates the Genetec integration protocol. The camera will be discovered automatically by Genetec Security Center, which also allows configuring the camera. To use the Genetec integration, you also need to activate the RTP server and reboot the camera.
Activates the ONVIF integration protocol. The camera will be discovered automatically by ONVIF-compatible systems, which also
allow configuring the camera. To use the ONVIF integration, you also need to activate the RTP server and reboot the camera.
In addition, you need to use special ONVIF users for the ONVIF configuration. The factory default includes three preconfigured
users. The password for all users is meinsm
. If you are deactivating ONVIF at this point, all ONVIF users will be denied access.
Change the passwords of the three preconfigured ONVIF users when activating ONVIF.
As opposed to previous software versions, standard users will be denied access via the ONVIF interface!
If ONVIF is active, the Multicast stream is only available for ONVIF users by accessing the corresponding ONVIF Multicast URLs.
Activating ONVIF automatically also activates MxWeb. The ONVIF service available using the ports configured for MxWeb.
Network interface for the RTP server to use. Depending on the configuration, you can use different (virtual) network interfaces/IP addresses to access the camera. This option allows limiting access to the RTP server to only one of these interfaces. By factory default, all interfaces are available. This means that you can establish Unicast connections to all interfaces of the camera. For Multicast connections, the connection is selected automatically in the following order:
Network interface with fixed (static) IP address
Network interface with an IP address assigned by DHCP
Network interface with the factory IP address (10.x.x.x
Network interface with the Zeroconf IP address (169.254.x.x.x
If you select a specific interface for this option, Multicast and Unicast connections are only available via this interface. The RTP server will be deactivated on all other interfaces.
Port of the RTSP Server. By default, this is port 554
Allows accessing the RTSP/RTP data via an HTTP tunnel.
Network port used for the HTTP tunnel. By default, this is port 8180
Every one of the four streams has its own configuration section with the corresponding parameters. To provide a better overview, you can click to open and close the individual sections.
Activates the corresponding video stream. You can use any video player with the corresponding codec that can handle RTSP/RTP streams.
Depending on the codec, you need to use the following URLs for accessing the video streams:
MxPEG addresses for accessing the MxPEG streams:
Unicast access by means of a standard user account:
rtsp://<RTSP port>/stream{0 - 3}/mobotix.mxg
Multicast access by means of a standard user account:
rtsp://<RTSP port>/multicast/stream{0 - 3}/mobotix.mxg
It is not possible to access the MxPEG by means of an ONVIF user account.
M-JPEG addresses for accessing the M-JPEG streams:
Unicast access by means of a standard user account:
rtsp://<RTSP port>/stream{0 - 3}/mobotix.mjpeg
Multicast access by means of a standard user account (*):
rtsp://<RTSP port>/multicast/stream{0 - 3}/mobotix.mjpeg
M-JPEG + ONVIF: The following addresses are available if the ONVIF extension has been enabled.
Unicast access by means of an ONVIF user account:
rtsp://<RTSP port>/onvif/stream{0 - 3}/mobotix.mjpeg
Multicast access by means of an ONVIF user account (*):
rtsp://<RTSP port>/onvif/multicast/stream{0 - 3}/mobotix.mjpeg
If ONVIF is active, the Multicast stream is only available for ONVIF users by accessing the corresponding ONVIF Multicast URLs. The Multicast addresses for standard users will be deactivated if the ONVIF extension is active.
Image rate in frames per second (default value is 30
fps). The maximum attainable frame rate depends on additional configuration parameters of the RTP stream. To reach the maximum
frame rate, please set the image size (resolution) and image quality settings for the RTP stream to the same values as in
the corresponding dialogs of the Setup Menu:
Resolution: General Image Settings
JPEG Quality: JPEG Settings
Select the size of the video stream. You can only use one of the image formats (width x height) in the list box.
Image sizes larger than Full HD (1920x1080) can only use M-JPEG if the receiver supports the ONVIF extensions for M-JPEG. If this is not the case, the receiver will not show any images if the image size is larger than Full HD.
Use this parameter to control the audio channel for this MxPEG video stream. Note that this option is only available if a corresponding audio input has been configured and activated in the Microphone and Speaker dialog. This option is activated by factory default.
Number of frames between two full images. This option is only available when using MxPEG. The default value is 20
This settings allows using both Unicast and Multicast (simultaneous transmission to an unlimited number of recipients) at the same time. Note that Multicast mode is deactivated by default.
Controls whether or not the RTP stream is supplied always of only if it is actually requested. If autostart has been disabled, the RTP Multicast stream will be started only once an RTSP connection has been established. The stream will stay active as longs as there are active RTSP connections to the stream. If autostart has been enabled, the RTP Multicast stream will always be supplied. Note that Multicast autostart is deactivated by default.
IP address of the Multicast group, to which the video data are being sent. This address must be within the SSM (Source-Specific Multicast) range (
), but all other valid Multicast IP addresses will be accepted. If you leave this field empty, the server automatically chooses
a valid IP address. The automatic address selection should work fine for most scenarios.
Accessing the Unicast stream is still possible, even if Multicast mode is active. To access the Multicast video streams, you
need to use the special rtsp
URL. The server automatically sends the Multicast IP and the port to the recipients.
In Multicast mode, the server uses up to four consecutive ports to send the audio and video data to the recipients. Enter
the first port of the range and make sure that the following three ports are not used on your network. Der hier eingetragene
Port muss im Bereich 1025
bis 65532
liegen. For MxPEG, the default port is 18892
, for M-JPEG it is 18908
Make sure that the specified port range is not blocked by the recipient's firewall.
The TTL ("Time To Live") specifies how many hops (routers) the Multicast packets can pass before being discarded. The valid value range is 1
through 255
. The default value (1
) means that the Multicast packets are only distributed within the current subnet of the camera.
Sets the image quality of the JPEG-compressed images of the video stream. The default value of 0
will use copy the settings from the current live image.
Activates a stream that only contains the audio data. You can receive and play the stream using the following address:
rtsp://<RTSP port>/mobotix.pcm
Activates the H.264 video stream. You can use any video player with the corresponding codec that can handle RTSP/RTP streams using one of the following addresses:
H.264: The following addresses are available:
Unicast access by means of a standard user account:
rtsp://<RTSP port>/mobotix.h264
Multicast access by means of a standard user account (*):
rtsp://<RTSP port>/multicast/mobotix.h264
H.264 + ONVIF: The following addresses are available if the ONVIF extension has been enabled.
Unicast access by means of an ONVIF user account:
rtsp://<RTSP port>/onvif/mobotix.h264
Multicast access by means of an ONVIF user account (*):
rtsp://<RTSP port>/onvif/multicast/mobotix.h264
If ONVIF is active, the Multicast stream is only available for ONVIF users by accessing the corresponding ONVIF Multicast URLs. The Multicast addresses for standard users will be deactivated if the ONVIF extension is active.
Image rate in frames per second (default value is 30
fps). The maximum attainable frame rate depends on additional configuration parameters of the RTP stream. To reach the maximum
frame rate, please set the Constant Quality option to Off and set the image size (resolution) setting to the same value as in the corresponding dialog of the Setup Menu:
Resolution: General Image Settings
Minimum image rate in frames per second. Allows setting the lower limit for controlling the frame rate. This parameter is
only available if the Constant Quality option has been activated. The default value is 5
Select the size of the video stream. You can only use one of the image formats (width x height) in the list box. Image sizes larger than QXGA (2048x1536) are not supported for H.264.
Use this parameter to control the audio channel for this MxPEG video stream. Note that this option is only available if a corresponding audio input has been configured and activated in the Microphone and Speaker dialog. This option is activated by factory default.
This settings allows using both Unicast and Multicast (simultaneous transmission to an unlimited number of recipients) at the same time. Note that Multicast mode is deactivated by default.
Controls whether or not the RTP stream is supplied always of only if it is actually requested. If autostart has been disabled, the RTP Multicast stream will be started only once an RTSP connection has been established. The stream will stay active as longs as there are active RTSP connections to the stream. If autostart has been enabled, the RTP Multicast stream will always be supplied. Note that Multicast autostart is deactivated by default.
IP address of the Multicast group, to which the video data are being sent. This address must be within the SSM (Source-Specific Multicast) range (
), but all other valid Multicast IP addresses will be accepted. If you leave this field empty, the server automatically chooses
a valid IP address. The automatic address selection should work fine for most scenarios.
Accessing the Unicast stream is still possible, even if Multicast mode is active. To access the Multicast video streams, you
need to use the special rtsp
URL. The server automatically sends the Multicast IP and the port to the recipients.
In Multicast mode, the server uses up to four consecutive ports to send the audio and video data to the recipients. Enter
the first port of the range and make sure that the following three ports are not used on your network. Der hier eingetragene
Port muss im Bereich 1025
bis 65532
liegen. The default value for this port is 18888
Make sure that the specified port range is not blocked by the recipient's firewall.
The TTL ("Time To Live") specifies how many hops (routers) the Multicast packets can pass before being discarded. The valid value range is 1
through 255
. The default value (1
) means that the Multicast packets are only distributed within the current subnet of the camera.
Sets the image quality for the compressed H.264 video stream in percent, where 100 % means the best quality.
Sets the minimum image quality to use for quality control. This parameter is only used if the Constant Quality option has not been activated. The default value is 20 %.
Bit rate limitation for the H.264 video stream. The bit rate is specified in kbit/s, values are possible up to 32000
. In complex scenes, the camera will either reduce the image quality or the frame rate to reach the specified bit rate.
Switches between reducing the image quality or the frame rate to reach the specified bit rate. On will reduce the frame rate to reach the bit rate limit. Off will reduce the image quality to reach the bit rate limit. The default value is Off.
Number of frames between two full images. The default value is 20
, the maximum value is 32000
The following functions are provided for ONVIF integration:
WS Discovery for automatic detection of cameras by ONVIF-compatible devices. The current implementation only supports the ad-hoc mode, discovery proxies are not yet available.
Device Service allows querying system data, configuration parameters, and allows managing the ONVIF user accounts.
Media Service provides access to the H.264 and M-JPEG video streams. This interface allows creating and managing ONVIF profiles. In addition, you can configure the basic parameters of the video streams (such as image size, frame rate and quality).
The ONVIF extension is currently still under development! This means that some of the functions are not fully supported. We are working hard to increase the functionality and to improve the compatibility to the ONVIF clients.
Activates the service for automatic detection of the camera by other ONVIF devices.
Lists the scopes for this camera, one per line. You can configure the scopes list either using the ONVIF interface or the browser-based user interface of the camera.
Lists all profiles that had been configured via the ONVIF interface. Use the Reset Profiles function if you want to delete these profiles. The Default MJPEG Profile and the Default H.264 Profile are predefined profiles. If you delete them, they will be recreated automatically using the factory default parameters.
Lists all ONVIF user accounts. ONVIF users have access to the ONVIF interface and the RTP live video streams. Accessing other interfaces, such as the web or the eventstream interfaces is not possible for ONVIF users.
According to the ONVIF specification, access to the ONVIF interface is granted using a three-level user level model. The assignment of the user levels to specific access rights follows the Default Access Policy Definition of the ONVIF specification:
Users of the Admin level have full access to the configuration and all RTP live video streams. In particular, administrators can manage the ONVIF user accounts.
Users of the Operator level have limited access to the system. They can read parts of the configuration and can control actuators (such as PTZ, I/O ports) in the future. These users also have access to all RTP live video streams.
Users of the Users level can read the basic configuration and have access to all RTP live video streams.
To change the user level, click on the current user level and select the new level from the drop-down field.
Click on Change Password to change the password of a user. New passwords must have at least six characters.
Click on the Delete icon next to the password field to delete a user. Note that you cannot delete the last user since there must be at least one ONVIF user on the system.
Click on Add User to add a new user. Enter the user name, select the user level, and enter the password. Unser names must have at least three characters.
To play back the H.264 video stream, open the following URL in a suitable player:
Examples for suitable players:
VLC Media Player (, see also Configuration Hints for VLC)
ffplay (from the ffmpeg package)
ONVIF Device Manager (
When using the VLC Media Player ( for playing back the H.264 video stream, problems may appear if the frame rate is below 4 fps. You can avoid these problems by adjusting the setting for network buffering in the VLC configuration.
To do so, open Tools > Settings in VLC and change the settings as shown below:
Show Settings: All (shows the extended view of the settings).
Select Input/Codecs and scroll the right-hand side of the dialog to the Extended section.
Cache value for the network (ms): The default value is 1000 ms
. Higher values improve the playback stability, but also increase the delay between recording and playback. Use the following
values, depending on the frame rate:
Frame rates of 4 fps and slightly lower: 2000 ms
Frame rates of 3 fps and lower: 3000 ms