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Thermal Sensor Settings

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Thermal Sensor Settings
Description of the Parameters in the Thermal Image Overlay Section
Description of General Parameters

Open the Thermal Image Settings dialog to configure a thermal sensor module.

Description of the Parameters in the Thermal Image Overlay Section


This section only appears in the dialog, if the camera has an optical and a thermal sensor module attached. To show the thermal image as an overlay picture on to of the live image and in the recordings, set the Camera Selection Quick Control to Thermal Overlay.


Sets the opacity of the thermal overlay image. The lower the value, the more of the background (i.e., the image of the optical image sensor) will show.


Sets the scaling of the thermal overlay image. You can change this value to adjust the thermal overly image to the focal length of the optical image sensor.


You can also use the vPTZ Settings to control the appearance of the thermal image overly using the vPTZ controls in the live image.

Horizontal Offset

Use this parameter to move the thermal overlay image in horizontal direction (based on 1280x960 pixels). Positive values move the overlay image to the right, negative values to the left. 0 centers the image, the maximum value is ±640.

Vertical Offset

Use this parameter to move the thermal overlay image in vertical direction (based on 1280x960 pixels). Positive values move the overlay image up, negative values down. 0 centers the image, the maximum value is ±480.

Overlay Mode


This feature is only available, if a suitable thermal image sensor (-TR) has been attached and is running properly.

Color Palette

In this mode, the camera shows the thermal image on top of the optical image if the temperature is above the selected relative temperature value (see Minimum Value below). This mode is the default.

The Minimum Value parameter sets the relative temperature value above which the colors of the thermal overlay image are displayed. The specified value is displayed as a vertical line in the color palette at the bottom of the window. Temperature values below the defined threshold are transparent.


In this mode, the camera only shows the image areas in which the measured temperature exceeds the selected Temperature Value for the specified Temperature Unit. The Color parameter sets the color to be used.

Description of General Parameters

Raw Data

If this option is activated, the camera stores the raw data of the thermal sensor(s) as comment in every JPEG file. In addition, the camera can also store the raw data in the recorded images. To save bandwidth and storage capacity, you can choose to compress the data using the zlib library.

Color Palette

Sets the color palette that is used to show the different temperatures in the thermographic image.

Show Color Palette

Displays the current color palette at the bottom of the image. The leftmost color of the palette corresponds to the lowest, the rightmost color to the highest temperature in the image.

Linear Mode

The linear mode allows using extended radiometry features (Thermal Radiometry event). Note that activating this option influences the colors of the live image.


This feature is only available, if a suitable thermal image sensor has been attached and is running properly.

Manual Temperature Adjustment


This feature is only available, if a suitable thermal image sensor (-TR) has been attached and is running properly.

Getting precise temperature readings from the thermal sensor is only possible, if all variables and disturbances are known. Since they influence the measurement, you can then add a corresponding offset.. By factory default, the camera has been calibrated so that it properly measures the temperatures for objects with a maximum emission ratio in the close-up range. If these basic conditions are not met, you can improve measurement accuracy by manually adjusting the following parameters (if the manual temperature adjustment is deactivated, the factory default settings are used).

Object Emissivity

This parameter describes the thermal radiation emitted by the observed object. The emissivity of an object is the percentage value of the thermal radiation emitted by the object compared to an ideal thermal radiator.

The lower the emissivity, the lower the effect of the thermal radiation emitted by the object.

Atmospheric Transmission and Ambient Temperature

These two parameters describe the influence of the space between the observed object and the camera on the emitted thermal radiation. The atmospheric transmission is the percentage value of the atmospheric purity between the object and the camera (100% means that there aren't any particles in this space that could obstruct the transmission). By reducing this value, you can adjust the measurement for damping effects by the atmosphere (e.g., by dust, vapor, smoke). This will increase the influence of the ambient temperature.

The higher the atmospheric transmission, the lower the influence of the current ambient temperature.

Value Range

Sets the value range of the displayed temperatures, i.e., the range between the lowest and the highest temperature that is to be displayed. A small value range results in noticeably higher sensitivity (i.e., the smallest difference in temperature that can be shown) compared to a large value range.

Automatic Adjustment

Automatically determines the minimum and maximum temperature values for color mapping. Deactivate automatic adjustment if you want to set custom limits.

Allow Immediate Updates

Activates immediate updates of the minimum and maximum temperature values in the color palette if the temperatures of the scene changes drastically. Deactivate immediate updates to get a continuously adapted color palette even when temperatures changes are large.

Update Speed

Sets the speed with which the minimum and maximum temperature values in the color palette are adjusted to the changes in temperature of the scene.

Level of Detail

Controls the contrast amplification of a thermal image. This is especially useful when there are only little differences in temperature in the image; selecting Medium or High will enhance contrasts, thus showing noticeably more image details.


Uses high contrast amplification of a thermal image. May increase image noise in scenes with a only little differences in temperature.


Uses medium contrast amplification of a thermal image.


Uses low contrast amplification of a thermal image.

Temperature Control Mode

Full Image Area: All pixels of the full image or the defined temperature control windows are used to determine the current thermal range.

Visible Image Area: Only the pixels of the visible image section are used to determine the current thermal range.

Temperature Windows

Temperature control windows are defined image areas that are used for automatic adjustments. To facilitate the positioning of temperature control windows, you can select from a number of pre-defined windows.


  • All temperature control windows refer to the full image (i.e., the entire image sensor).

  • If the camera image has been mirrored or rotated, the positioning of the predefined windows and the coordinate system of the custom windows changes accordingly.

  • If your camera is a dual lens model, you can define different temperature control windows for each lens.

Show Windows

On: Displays the defined measurement window(s) with green frames in the image. Exclusion windows are shown with a red frame.

The Histogram option shows additional parameters of specific image processing features in the image.

Storing the Configuration

Click on the Set button to activate your settings and to save them until the next reboot of the camera.

Click on the Factory button to load the factory defaults for this dialog (this button may not be present in all dialogs).

Click on the Restore button to undo your most recent changes that have not been stored in the camera permanently.

Click on the Close button to close the dialog. While closing the dialog, the system checks the entire configuration for changes. If changes are detected, you will be asked if you would like to store the entire configuration permanently.

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