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Behavioral Detection

Table of Contents
Behavioral Detection
General Settings of Behavioral Detection
Main Direction
Activate Visualization of Alarms
Show Object Speed
MxAnalytics − Shared Settings
Selectable Behavior Profiles


This feature is not available on all camera models.

The Behavioral Detection is an extension to MxAnalytics. This feature can create alarms based on movements of the tracked objects. In order to configure alarms, it is not required to explicitly activate MxAnalytics. All required parameters can be accessed on the configuration page of the Image Analysis Events.

Note that you can create different image analysis events, which react to different behavior profiles.

General Settings of Behavioral Detection

This section shows the general settings that are used in the entire behavioral detection. Parameters used only for specific alarms are configured directly at the event sensor type.

Main Direction

Sets the main direction of movement as a position of the clock face (12 o'clock corresponds to the North direction in the image). This parameter defines the direction, into which the detected objects are supposed to be moving.

Activate Visualization of Alarms

Activate this parameter to show icons in the image for triggered alarms.

Show Object Speed

In addition, you can show the speed for the detected objects. Note that the precision of the speed measurement is depending greatly on how precisely you specified the Mounting Height and the Tilt Angle.

MxAnalytics − Shared Settings

The Behavioral Detection is based on the MxAnalytics algorithms. This is why both features are sharing the configuration parameters listed in this section. For more detailed information on the shared parameters, please open the MxAnalytics help page.

Selectable Behavior Profiles

Use the parameters in this section to define the alarms. You can choose between different behavior profiles for this purpose.





Corridor List:

  • Comma-separated list of corridor IDs.

  • Definition of single corridors or areas (e.g., "1,2,4-7").

  • The ranges can be open ("3-" or "-4").

  • Leave the field empty to use all corridors.

Triggers an alarm if an object moves through the entire length of one of the defined corridors.

Duration of Stay

Maximum duration of stay:

  • Sets the maximum period of time that an object can stay in the image.

  • Value range: 1 s to 300 s

Triggers an alarm if an object stays longer in the image than the specified maximum duration of stay.

Opposite Direction

Main Direction:

  • Represents the main direction of movement as shown on a clock face.

  • Note that there is only one main direction that is valid globally.

  • Value range: 1 to 12

Triggers an alarm if an object moves opposite to the configured main direction.



Triggers an alarm if an object changes its direction of movement by an angle from 135° to 180°.



Triggers an alarm if an object changes its direction of movement by an angle from 45° to 134°.


Speed threshold:

  • Value range: 1 m/s to 6 m/s

Triggers an alarm if an object moves faster than the specified speed.

Restricted Area

Area Definition:

The restricted area can be defined as a rectangle or as a polygon.

Rectangle Syntax

image sensor, horizontal position, vertical position, width, height
Example 1. Rectangle Syntax

Polygon Syntax

image sensor, poly=<hor. coordinate>x<vert. coordinate>
 {/<hor. coordinate>x<vert. coordinate>}
Example 2. Polygon Syntax


  • The restricted area refers to the entire image sensor.

  • If the camera image has been mirrored or rotated, the coordinate system of the windows changes accordingly.




Defines an area that is excluded from analysis (this area should always be inside of the area that is to be analyzed).

Image sensor

Selects the image sensor (camera image) to use for this window definition:

  • 0: Right camera image on dual cameras, default setting on mono cameras.

  • 1: Left camera image on dual cameras.

Horizontal position

Number of pixels measured from the left edge of the visible image to the left border of the window (based on a MEGA image 1280x960).

Vertical position

Number of pixels measured from the bottom edge of the visible image to the bottom border of the window (based on a MEGA image 1280x960).


Width of the window in pixels (based on a MEGA image 1280x960).


Height of the window in pixels (based on a MEGA image 1280x960).

Horizontal Coordinate

Number of pixels measured horizontally from the left edge of the visible image to the polygon corner (based on a MEGA image 1280x960).

Vertical Coordinate

Number of pixels measured vertically from the bottom edge of the visible image to the polygon corner (based on a MEGA image 1280x960).


If you would like to define a new or additional window, open the Image Analysis Events dialog and follow the instructions of the Graphically Entering Image Areas help page.

Triggers an alarm if an object enters the restricted area.


To trigger the alarm, the camera uses the estimated position where the object touches the ground. in case of a person, this would be the estimated position of the person's feet. The Object trace is thus no suitable means to control this type of access since it follows the object's center of gravity.

Storing the Configuration

Click on the Set button to activate your settings and to save them until the next reboot of the camera.

Click on the Factory button to load the factory defaults for this dialog (this button may not be present in all dialogs).

Click on the Restore button to undo your most recent changes that have not been stored in the camera permanently.

Click on the Close button to close the dialog. While closing the dialog, the system checks the entire configuration for changes. If changes are detected, you will be asked if you would like to store the entire configuration permanently.

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